Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Man In a Stall....

I visited the public restroom today.

Obviously, this this feat alone isn't one to brag about or to broadcast on the internets. Unless, of course, I was a 2 year old which case you could congratulate me on going tinkle AND on my fantasic grasp of the English language.

But, I digress...

I was in the restroom at work. As I went about my 'buisness' a man walked in on his cell phone. Deep in conversation, the man seemed to forget his whereabouts in this world. Surely, he could have polietly postponed the conversation untill a time when he wasn't in dire need of a bowl movement, right? Apparently not. Nope, he walked in, sat down and let it rip. All. While. Talking. On. The. Phone.

This has become a pet peave of mine. Not because it's offensive and/or obnoxious to me, I really don't care what a person does. Hell, if you pass me dropping a deuce in a stall, chances are I'm Twittering or something. No, the reason this upsets me is that it points to a frightening trend in this day and age. Not being able to excuse yourself from the phone when you have to drop some kids off at the pool.

It points to a larger problem than the minor annoyance it causes the people surrounding you. That larger problem is our inability to exist alone, in silence. It is our lack of patience and, ulitmately, our lack of progress. While it may seem that technology IS in itself progress, the opposite seems to be true. While we continue progress forward an unending stream of information presents itself to us. And we are losing original thought.

This from the man Twittering on the toilet next to you...

Irony is an amazing thing, hypocracy is often funnier though.

I'm not trying to save the world, I don't know if I care that much. I'm not looking to inspire or be an 'original voice'. If I were, I probably would be much more eloquant and tactful in my approach...well, maybe not. But, if you're reading this blog, what I want from you is this:

1. Take some time today to be quiet. Just five minutes, no iPod, no TV, no nagging significant other and/or kids. Just take a deep breath.

2. Join me in flooding Twitter, MySpace and Facebook with constant updates about our bowel movements.